Five Ways to Extend the Life of Your Semi Truck Tires in Milton Canada

 We all have witnessed this happen – the semi truck driver going sixty-five down the freeway when suddenly all you see is a smoking cloud and tire pieces flying all over the roadway. Failure of a tire is a common occurrence in the trucking business, but the fact that it is common does not make replacing semi truck tires in Milton any less irritating or pricey.  

Fortunately, there are some steps you can take that would not just boost the longevity of your tires, but will help make sure security, safety, and optimal fuel economy, as well. As your local source for semi truck tires in Milton, we have several tips that would assist you to ensure you are getting the most out of your semi truck tires in Milton.

1. PERFORM A VISUAL CHECK – This might look like a given, but only do a rapid walk around of your truck and check for any dubious signs of wear and tear, or the sound of leaking air. Identifying issues early would enable you to make truck tire repairs rather than truck tire replacements.

2. CHECK PRESSURE OF YOUR TIRE AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK – Low pressure of the tire is the number one major cause of blowouts. Sustaining the proper pressure of your tire would not only help boost the longevity of your tires, but it would as well help make sure safety and security. For finest practice, have air pressure needs and requirements in place also standards for drivers to check tire pressure at least once a week. Daily checking of tire pressure would as well aid you to identify even if your tires are having issues sustaining tire pressure and might have to be changed. 

3. EXECUTE A ROTATION SCHEDULE – To get the most use out of your truck tires, it is significant that your tires be rotated daily. The finest way to make sure that your tires are being rotated when they must be is to execute a rotation schedule. Utilize your past maintenance records to help decide how often your tires must be rotated. Be certain to as well take into consideration the work application of the truck, the terrain, standard gross weight, and any other related variables. 

4. MAKE SURE THAT YOUR TIRES ARE BALANCED – Treadwear causes the distribution of weight around the tire to change, which leads to a misbalance over time that would not just lessen the longevity of your truck tires but could as well cause severe damage to your semi truck tires. The best practice is to balance your truck tires each time you have the tires shifted. 

5. GET DAILY ALIGNMENTS – When your tires or axle are out of alignment, your truck tires would wear unevenly, which would significantly lessen the longevity of your truck tires. It is crucial to have your truck tires realigned to the specifications of manufacturers to make sure that you are getting the most miles out of your tires and better miles – per gallon ratio. 

Of course, your truck tires would need to be changed ultimately, but by following these tips, you can make sure that you are getting the most out of your semi truck tires in Milton. When it is time for truck tire replacement near me, stop in at Diesel brothers – your finest local source for semi truck tires in Milton you can blindly trust on.   


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