Does not matter if you drive a semi trailer or a commercial truck, safety on a road should be your topmost priorities. Tires are at specific risk on heavy vehicles that travel long distances. A blowout at middle of the road could lead to roll-overs, damage to your truck or surrounding passenger vehicles, and accidents. You can prevent these issues if you know 3 common problems that are associated with your commercial tires


Problems in tires outcome in six percent of accidents involving a huge truck. Of those, a lot of could possibly be prevented if the pressure of the tire is check on daily basis. Blowouts generally occur because a tire suffers instant damage on the roadway, like by hitting an object or from leakage of air over time that ultimately leads to the failing of the tire. Although you might not be capable to control the former, leakage of air could be prevented.


Loss of air happens naturally. External air pressure changes and driving down the roadway would cause slow leakages over time. However, tires that are a bit underinflated might not blow out; they would start to lessen the efficiency of your fuel.

Blowouts on the roadway become more likely as even more lost of air, particularly if the tires are all at different pressures, because then the roadway stresses could affect the tires unequally. Trailers are even more likely to have pressure issues, as these might not be taken back to their house base for key fleet maintenance for long time period. 


The only way to avoid under inflation is to check the pressure of the air in your tires daily. Do not rely on tire thumping a generally used way to try and calculate the pressure fast by ear. Regardless, always utilize a calibrated tire calculator to get an exact reading of the pressure in all the tires.


Uneven wear on the tire treads could show other technical problems with the truck that has to be addressed, but the most instant concern is that irregular wear could boost the chances of a blowout or a flat.


Common causes of irregular wear include issues with the alignment, underinflated or overinflated tires, failure to balance and change the tires, and mismatched tires. Caught early, a lot of issues could be resolved before the wear patterns become irreparable. 


Pre-trip checking are your finest guard against irregular tire wear. Before you hit the roadway, visually check every tire to see that the tread is wearing evenly on every tire. It just takes a several minutes to circle your rig and calculate the tread with a tread calculator tool. Doing so enables you to catch any troubling wear patterns before they become an issue.


The term mismatched could have few different meanings. Tires from different producers, different sizes of tires or tires at different stages of wear are all considered mismatched. Load distribution tends to be uneven across every tire when mismatching is an issue, which boosts the risk of a blowout or a flat. 


Failure to see that the tires are of the similar model and producer is a common cause of mismatching. Tire replacement near me on the road because of flats and damage could as well lead to mismatching, as could combine new tires with older tires that are starting to show wear.


Prevention is as easy as checking every tires before your trip to ensure they are of the similar size and show same levels of wear. At the minimum, tires require to match across the hinge. If you have just a several tires replaced, ensure the new tires are on the similar hinge and that the tires on every duel assembly are as well of the same size and relative wear. 

Your security and safety of your tool is of a chief importance, but even with thoroughness, tire problems could land you on the side of the roadway. Get in touch with diesel brothers – tire repair shop to learn more about how the right roadside assistance service could keep you and your truck on the roadway. 


Diesel brothers are an expert company that provides state-wide towing. We have been delivering top-class roadside assistance and towing services in Milton, Ontario for many years. If you are in any of these states and are searching for a towing agency nearby, we would be more than contended to serve your efficient and competent services. 


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