How Often Should You Replace Box Truck Tires?

 Dock and box truck tires are versatile vehicles that serve a range of commercial uses. Let us look at what decides the long life of their tires and when to change them.


Dock and box trucks serve a vast range of commercial uses. Agencies like USP utilize them to shift products from warehouses to houses while plumbers and other retailers are known to team them to serve as mobile service vehicles. 

They might not heave products across the nation such as tractor-trailers and semi-trucks but that does not mean their tires are excused from continuous wear and tear. The stopping, cruising, and starting through city roads and freeways means drivers have to ensure their tires are rightly aired up and in the right operating order.

Typically, box trucks last about a hundred thousand miles or three to eight years, but eventually, the longevity of any bulky truck tire relies on the aspects we mentioned down below.


The two major aspects that decide the longevity of your tires come down to miles driven and the tire types themselves.

When it comes to mileage, both the type and amount of mileage are significant. The more miles you drive the sooner you would require changing your tires. Though, if a lot of those miles are inside construction areas or along rural roadways, these relying situations would likely lessen their longevity. 

Also significant is the kind of tire. The right tire must be utilized based on the application since box trucks and other commercial vehicles have a particular fit, weight capacity, and climate rating. 


Changing tires are pricey, particularly if you have more than only four such as a truck with a tandem axle. The best news is that defensive maintenance of your tires is comparatively easy because you could always check the tire pressure and other situations. If you have a tackling or suspension problem, the initial place we frequently turn to is the tires for leakages, inflation issues, or other problems that may call for a change.

Here are several tips we pass along to all drivers in Canada so they could extend the longevity of their tires:

1. SUSTAIN PROPER PSI: This is the big bang for your truck. Ensuring your tires are inflated according to the specifications of the manufacturer that maintains the life of your tires, boosts handling, and supports fuel efficiency. Box trucks have freight whose load can radically change the inflation needs and requirements and this has to be considered when deciding the proper PSI. 

2. BE VIGILANT: Check your tires daily and ideally before each trip. A lot of commercial truck drivers have a pre-trip check report that drivers should follow before each working day. As that being said if a tire daily dips under twenty-person of the manufacturer’s suggested PSI, it likely requires to be changed. As well significant to check are the valve stems, heave nuts and sidewalls. 

3. WATCH WEAR: Each tire would organically wear away with use. Check the wear design to see if all tires are wearing equally. If the real axle tires wear extra as compared to the front one, it might be that the freight is being weighed unequally. If they often wear, you may be dragging an extra load than what your tires can handle. If they are cupped, meaning the tread nearest to the sidewall is lesser than the middle; it can be a mixture of bad alignment or chronically underinflated tires. 

If the tires on your dock and box trucks are nearing the end of their helpful life, you can believe the professional technicians at diesel brothers - tire replacement in Milton to change them according to manufacturer suggestions. 

Diesel brothers offer professional care and truck repair services to all heavy and semi-trucks. We take pride to be known as the number one truck and trailer repair service. We offer professional care at invincible costs. Get in touch with us now at 905-867-3124 | 905-867-0878 – info 


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