You should always install your tires with an expert tire technician for the safety and performance of your vehicle. The exact installation allows your tires to work properly and gives maximum safety. A tire installation takes about forty minutes maximum. After selecting the right tires for your vehicles, your tires will be installed expertly. A right tire installation includes:  

Checking the heaves or wheel locks

Installing new rubber valve stems where required

Mounting the tires

Balancing the new tires on wheels

Tapering the wheel heaves to the manufacturer suggested force

Servicing TPMS – tire pressure monitoring systems 


An expert tire technician uses a step-by-step process to install your new tires rightly into your vehicle. 


Break the heave nuts or locks before raising the vehicle to remove your old tires and wheels. We suggest using manual tools. A power yank might be utilized with extra care when removing wheel hardware. But should not be used to force heave nut hardware. It is better to remove heaves cautiously with a four-way wrench or a socket on a roller bar. A force wrench might harm the heaves or the hoops. 

STEP 2:  

Slightly raise your vehicle with the help of a jack, and support the lifted vehicle with jack stands. Ensure to use both your jack and jack stands by a flat, even surface when working on your vehicle. Remove your old tires and wheels. 


Test fit every wheel in its ultimate position. Look for the right fit as mentioned below. 

Please remember if you only bought wheels, it is important that test fitting should be done before installing the tires.

Note: Check the condition of the heave studs or wheel locks of your vehicle when you lose and tight them. If you feel any friction or see any harshness after removing the wheels, correct it before installing the wheels. Most of the automotive shops sell taps and thread repair kits. Wheels should fit flat against the hub of the vehicle. Remove any rust and dust from the mounting surface of brake drums. Remove any extra devices, such as stud clips. These are utilized to hold brake drums in place before the wheels were installed at the industrial unit. Few vehicles have locator pins on the hub also. These are on the hub to help the wheel indexing when it is on the vehicle assembly queue. These could be found on some models. They don’t perform any other function and must be removed from the hub before mounting your new wheels.

STEP 4: 

If auto-parts wheels have formerly been utilized on the vehicle, verify that the former wheel’s hub centering rings have been removed from the hubs. If your vehicle is equipped with bakes and if the outer extension of the drum or balance weights stick further out than the drum’s center, verify that the wheel seats on the hub are not against the outer extension of the drum or balance weights. 


Check the wheel fit onto the vehicle’s hub. Some wheel applications might need the use of a centering ring to make the appropriate fit onto the hub. Both circles of the wheel should match with your vehicle and the wheel should make complete contact with the mating end of the hub. If the wheel doesn’t match up to the vehicle’s bolt circle, or the wheel doesn’t have complete contact to the mounting end, kindly get in touch with the diesel brothers - tire repair shop.


To check that you have matching heave or bolt thread sizes, first set up the heave nuts or bolts without the wheel. If you feel friction doing this, check the heave stud and nut to see if the threads are dirt free. If the heave nut looks hindered or doesn’t match the thread pitch of your hubs, try another heave. If another heave doesn’t thread any better, contact us. We will check if you have the right tool for your application. 

Note – don’t force your heave nuts or bolts on with a wrench. They must be capable to be turned manually. If they cannot, something is wrong. Kindly call diesel brother’s customer support service. Right after the heaves have been installed manually unless finger tight should you warm them with your 4-way wrench.

As the thickness of an alloy wheel can vary from original tool wheels, check that the heaves bolts and nuts will connect the thread. 


For the next checking, it will be important to temporarily set up the wheel by warming the heave bolts or nuts to check disc brake caliper consent. You must have four mm of consent between your brakes and wheels on the vehicle. 


Place the transmission of your vehicle neutral and turn every wheel by hand while making sure that the outer corner of the disc brake caliper does not touch the inner rim or that the side of the caliper does not come into touch with the wheel’s backside or the wheel balancing weights. 

Once you have finished your test fit, we recommend removing the wheel and applying a lean coating of anti-seize around the axle hubs to aid avoid the rush and allow simpler removal when it is time to spin your tires. Don’t apply anti-seize elements to the heave hardware or studs. 


Right installation needs that the wheel force is set to the suggested specification for your vehicle. These force specifications could be found in your vehicle’s manufacturer’s manual, shop repairing manual, or get it from your vehicle dealer. Finish tightening the heaves with an exact force wrench. Use a crisscross sequence unless they have reached their right force value. Be cautious because if you over-force a wheel, you could strip a heave nut, stretch or break a wheel stud, and cause the wheel, or brake drum to bend.

While new wheel installation is not complex – it is no tougher than changing a flat tire – it is important to take safety measures. 

NOTE: After installing a new wheel in your vehicle you must re-force your heave hardware after the initial hundred miles of driving. This is important because as the wheels are breaking in they might dense a little bit enabling their heaves to lose some of the force. Just repeat the similar force process listed above. 

STEP 10:

Before driving on your new tire and wheel, ensure to set the right cold pressure to match your vehicle, driving needs, and atmospheric conditions. Access your invoice for any particular cold inflation force needs notations. If none are mentioned, check the placard of your vehicle for the right cold inflation pressure. 

Tire pressure must be checked once a week, in the early morning before the vehicle has been used. The heat of the day or driving more than several miles would give an inappropriate cold pressure reading. 

Note – if your vehicle is equipped with a standby, this would be the best time to check and reset its tire pressure.

Placement is as well suggested so that your new tires do not wear irregularly. Right tire installation is extremely significant so that your vehicle is secure and durable. The right tire installation must be done by an expert. Your tires play a vital part in the security and reliability of your vehicle, keep them in good condition. Get in touch with us now to have your next set of tires installed by our professional technicians!


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